Thursday, December 1, 2011

Welcome girls!

My new and youngest student, Kyndall, had some mad skill behind the sewing machine despite never using one!  Her very first lesson she made a headband with flowers on it!  Isn’t that amazing!?  At school in art class this six weeks, she is crocheting!  Kyndall definitely is a talented girl and quite funny too!  So enjoyed teaching her a few sewing skills.

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Below are Sarah and Heather and they were so much fun!  Really cracked me up and they made pillows for their first lesson.  An interesting fact about Sarah is she doesn’t own a cell phone and I feel old saying that’s interesting since they were just starting to become popular in my early teens.  I thought this was pretty cool actually.  Heather and I know each other from high school and have ran into each other a few times since then.  I am so glad they took a lesson together!  Lessons are so fun in pairs!  


Stacy is back!! Stacy is actually referred to as Ms. Bryan by a bunch of kindergarteners! She has been so busy teaching, but luckily we are making up ground quickly and we took on a very challenging lesson! The adorable Black Apple Doll!

Stacy worked hard and it paid off! This is maybe her third lesson ever…

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I’ve made two myself and will make a few more for Christmas presents! They are so fun and addicting… Lola’s doll will have to have a face because no facial features on a doll will concern her endlessly.

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Maggie and Mollie are always entertaining and we made headbands at their last sewing lesson.  They will actually be back tomorrow and we are making dresdens! Check out their cute headbands:


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Excited to see them tomorrow as well as Kylee!  My sister will be joining in with Kylee tomorrow and look forward to paired lessons back to back.  Luckily these girls are so charming and don’t seem to mind preggers (me!) dressed in a comfy, baggy clothes while we sew!  Love you all!

Dresden Below:


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