Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Trim Anyone?

010Emma is one of my newest girls and I have really enjoyed getting to know her and watching her learn so quickly!  She made her pillow so quickly that we were able to have fun and play around with making key chains!  She so graciously picked out cute ribbon and ruffles to make one for her older sister!  What a great sister and a great sewer!  We are making coasters this week to practice that straight stitch and turning corners!  Look forward to having her!




Emma is my newest student, but Maggie and Molly were my first and still going strong!  Last week we had a fun project: Aprons! They already had the perfect size fabric in perfect patterns, so all they needed to do was pick out trim!  Check out these well-made aprons!  They did a wonderful job using trim and we all loved the effect it made on the aprons!


Lauren’s lesson was picture-less because we weren’t up too much fun besides our conversations!  Her past lessons have been making cushions and pillows for her mom’s house and this week’s lesson was about hand sewing the back of the cushions.  Neither one of us was extremely looking forward to it, but it wasn’t too bad and she has the fun task of finishing it up at home.  I told her to put on a good movie!  Sometimes to make a great product you gotta’ do a little hand sewing.  Smile It’s a lot more fun to hand sew when you get to end up with something more like this though:


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At least it is when you have a cute two year old who loves playing with them! :)

Happy Sewing!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

So many fun projects!

Sew Creative is one of my biggest highlights of the week!  This past week from 9 to 4:30 the only thing going on in my house was girls measuring twice, cutting once, and sewing away!

Julia got caught up and made her very cute polka-dotted pillow.  A perfect fit! 

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Sawyer, my youngest student, slept through her lesson… okay, maybe her momma’s lesson! Winking smile She is a really good baby which in return makes her momma, Lauren, a really good sewer. 

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Lauren is busy making A LOT of pillows for her mom, but she and I a couple weeks back went to the fabric store to learn about the different fabrics/sections and she picked out fabric for her room so she could make curtains for her bedroom! She texted me this picture later when she got home after she hung them herself!  She told me she thought she didn’t have a hammer since her husband had taken it on a mission trip and I told her just to use a high heel shoe! Smile I often do that and it’s the only use my pretty heels have to me now! Don’t her curtains look great!?


One of my new students, Emma (no photo yet), came this past week and is really good as well.  It’s funny how you can have a natural ability to sew.  She brought a machine she had for a few years that had some “hiccups” in it, so we worked on the machine and then was able to sew!  She made a bow and went home to make more! Woohoo Emma!  Side note: For those who don’t have a machine that have a possible interest in sewing, I have an extra so you can take a lesson too!

My most beloved student would have to be my sister.  (Awe.)  I am just so giddy she is learning to sew!  And she is even using her own money to pay for lessons.  I treat her like all my others and she has accomplished a lot! Hopefully she will go back to college with her sewing machine in hand and make some fun things for her apartment!

She has made a pillow!

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Had to crop this picture so you couldn’t see the entire sewing studio reveal! That’s the next post! :)


And a bunting banner! I am in love with these!  Anyone else??

Really loved Kebby’s pick on fabrics and it will look great in her college apartment.  She is planning on mixing hers in with her curtains or over her bed. 


My my missed girls, Maggie and Molly made the same cute flags!  Next week we are making cute aprons and they already  have great fabric picked out!

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Here is Maggie showing off her cute flag… but I think Mollie wandered off… Ohhhh Mollie! :) I’ll get her this next week, but her bunting banner looked great!  She used a funky mushroom fabric that I actually have as well! :) Nice taste ladies and job well done!

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